Business Type Manufacturer, Supplier, Retailer
Class Light duty- NP2, Medium Duty- NP3, Heavy Duty- NP4
Density Optimum water cement ratio and High density.
Length 2 & 2.5 meter and as per requirement
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Product Details

Diameter Of RCC Hume Pipe
80,100, 150. 200, 225,250,300, 350,400,450, 500, 600, 700,800, 900,1000,1100, 1200, 1400,1600 & 1800
Socket and Spigot, Collar Joints and Flush Joints
Design of the RCC Hume pipe as per IS - 458/2003 (Fourth revision)

Our company is capable of delivering consignments on time owing to an efficient trading network we have. Our product is wrapped in industrial grade packaging supplies that are ecological and offer defense to the products against mechanical and transit damage. Furthermore, the product is correctly branded to offer data.

Hume Pipe Selection and laying guidelines :

  • First understand your site requirements and use of Pipe. Then choose the diameter and type of joints as per the design.
  • Check the quality of Hume pipe at site, thoroughly examine the pipe and ensure that there is no leakage. Simultaneously check the inside Spun pipe surface and ensure smooth finish to minimize the scouring and friction loss.
  • Pipe joints should be fixed properly and on site leakage inspection should be carried out before backfilling the pipes.
  • Before and after  laying of Pipe ensure proper compaction and gradient to prevent any damage due to heavy load after installation. If required, Cement concrete hunching is done.

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